Home » Indian Religions

Indian Religions

India, the holy land of spirituality & philosophy is the origin of various religions that symbolize it as spiritually diverse country. These religions even exist in Indian subcontinent present day. Letӳ go through it.

Hindu Religion

Hindu Religion
Hindu mythology is prosperous, multifarious and comprehensive. It is the oldest living theology of the world. It depicts the trivial next to the cosmic, terrible along with philanthropic and the ostentatious along with the sublime. Vedic literature is considered the earliest source of Hindu mythology. This Vedic literature is the oldest text comprising four Vedas or called ԍanuscripts of KnowledgeԮ

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Sikh Religion
What does Sikhism stand for?

Sikh Religion
The word ғikhҠoriginated from the Sanskrit word ғhishyaҠthat means a follower, a truth seeker, a learner and so on. Sikhs believe in only one God and the teachings of their ten Gurus have been embodied in their Holy Book Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of this religion who continued its progression with the help of nine successive Sikh Gurus. Internal spiritual state of the individual is the most significant aspect in Sikhism.

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Jain Religion
Founder of Jainism

Jain Religion
Vardhamana Mahavira is the creator and the spreader of this religion. At his early 30, he renounced his luxurious lifestyle and devoted himself fully to self-mortification and fasting to get rid of impurities and purify his realization and explore the true meaning of life. Most of his time was spent in meditation and gradually he completely cut him off from worldly stuffs. By adopting the teachings of his mentor Parshvanatha (9th Century B.C.), he achieved enlightenment ...

  • Jain Community in India
  • Jain Rituals and Traditions
  • Most Popular Jain Pilgrimages
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Buddhist Religion
Founder of Buddhism and its History

Buddhist Religion
Gautama Buddha founded Buddhism. He was born about 2,500 years ago in a royal family in Lumbini, Nepal. He lived his life with luxury stuffs and of privilege until one day he cut out imperial enclosure and met for the first time an elderly man, a corpse and a sick man. He became disturbed by encountering the sufferings of these men and decided to become a monk. He began to follow the life of ascetic to explore the reality of life. Later on his quest for truth didnӴ get ...

  • Buddhism Rituals as well as Practices
  • Buddhist Festivals and Celebrations
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Christian Religion
History of Christianity

Christian Religion
The narration of Christianity is based on the life, death as well as revivification of Jesus Christ. The conventional story reveals that Jesus Christ was born in stable of Bethlehem, the Holy Land. A young virgin, Mary gave birth to the son of God by the Holy Spiritӳ action. An account of his birth has also been depicted in the new testament of the Bible written by Luke and Mathew. The Christians believe that the birth of Jesus Christ was consequence...

  • Religious Facts and Customs of Christianity
  • 3 Most important rituals of Baptism
  • Christina Festivals and Celebrations
  • Christian Pilgrimage Sites located in India
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Muslim Religion
Islam-Religious Beliefs and Teachings

Muslim Religion
The Unity of God is the prime message of Muslim religion according which the creator of the earth is one and he on his own is worthy of adulation and that Muhammad is his follower and messenger. The adherents of this faith are known as Muslims. According to Islam, a Muslim has to perform five main duties including such as bearing observer to the Unity of God as well as Muhammad as His representative, payment of Zakat, going through the prescribed prayer,

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Hindu PilgrimageHindu Pilgrimage

Hindu pilgrimage is a spiritual journey undertaken

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South India PilgrimageSouth India Pilgrimage

The landscape of South India is dotted with splendid shrines, .

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North India PilgrimageNorth India Pilgrimage

India is a practical mansion of religious heritage. Even ....

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Ashram's in IndiaAshram's in India

If you are fed up with the bustling life of city and...

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Buddhist PilgrimageBuddhist Pilgrimage

In India and all across the globe, there are a great...

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Sikh PilgrimageSikh Pilgrimage

India is a blend of more than many religions. This is the...

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Christian PilgrimageChristian Pilgrimage

With more than 2 billion adherents, Christianity..

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Ancient TemplesAncient Temples

India, a land of divine temples, spiritual bliss and a sanctified...

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Spiritual PilgrimageSpiritual Pilgrimage

India is a country where religion is a vital part of everyday life.

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Muslim PilgrimageMuslim Pilgrimage

It is the second largest faith of the world with more than..

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Recommended Temple TourRecommended Temple Tour

India, a land that is stacked with spirituality and one can

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